Incredible trees - many over 2,000 years old! We attempted to be more "Sequoical" (in the words of John Muir).
Beautiful slice demonstrating the size of the Sequoias and influence of environmental factors on the rings. (Note: Adam to scale.)
Beautiful slice demonstrating the size of the Sequoias and influence of environmental factors on the rings. (Note: Adam to scale.)
Check out the size of that burl!
Big tree. Small Ailey.
Amazing 360 view from the top of Moro Rock. Ailey donned her glasses for the occasion.
As we walked through this tree we spotted a bear cub not 20 feet from us on the path! While excited (so cute!) we also remembered that where there's a baby bear there's a mama bear. We never spotted the mom (potentially because we were loudly informing the mother bear of our presence!), but got to watch the cub clumsily scamper up the hill and we went on our merry way.
Adam slides down the snow back to our campsite at King's Canyon National Park. Did we mention it's 34F? And guess where we're headed next...